AIM to Exhibit at AIAG Virtual Quality Summit - AIM Computer Solutions

AIM to Exhibit at AIAG Virtual Quality Summit

 In Blog, Event

AIM Computer Solutions will exhibit at the AIAG Quality Summit a virtual-event set for Wednesday, October 21 and Thursday, October 22, 2020.

This two-day event will start with an industry keynote presentation at 8:00 AM followed by several OEM Quality Management System (QMS) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) updates. Next, on day-one, the focus will surround Cybersecurity, and how Your Quality System is the Key to Cybersecurity, and the potential cyber risks on your Quality Management System. Virtual Exhibit booths are open throughout the event. The day concludes with time in the Network Lounge from 1:45 PM – 2:30 PM EDT.

Day-two of the AIAG Quality Summit virtual environment opens at 7:00 AM on Thursday, October 22, 2020. Sessions start with James Bruin from the International Automotive Oversight Bureau (IAOB) discussing the International Automotive Task Force (IATF’s) contingency plan and the top 10 IATF non-conformances, followed by presentations titled, “Digital Transformation of Reverse Material Flow Processes Improves Quality and Throughput – The Measurable Cost of Poor NCM Data Quality for High Volume Manufacturers” and “Review of Technical Specifications – A Root Cause Case Study.” Rounding out the event, speaker and author Joanna Martinez will provide the closing keynote, titled, “Embrace the Churn: Thrive Within a Disruptive World.”


This virtual event comes at a very cost effective price, just $39 for AIAG Members and $59 for non-members.  Click here to register.

Virtual Site Navigation

Upon entering the virtual event you will be in the event Lobby.  It will similar to this:

AIAG Virtual Quality Summit Lobby

AIAG Virtual Quality Summit Lobby

Select the Exhibit Hall banner to visit the AIM Computer Solutions virtual booth.

AIM Exhibits at AIAG Virtual Quality Summit

AIM Exhibits at AIAG Virtual Quality Summit

Above our logo are options for engaging with our booth personnel and resources. Select the Chat With Us link to have a private chat (typed) conversation with one of our resources, watch our Welcome Video, or participate in a Public Chat.

Visit our presentation board to View Resources:

View Resources at AIM Exhibit Booth at AIAG Virtual Quality Summit

View Resources at the AIM Exhibit Booth – AIAG Virtual Quality Summit 2020

Visitors will be able to access content, and save it to their briefcase.  This includes product brochures and an exclusive premiere video of Quality Features in AIM Vision.

We look forward to seeing you in the virtual environment and welcome the opportunity to discuss your ERP, EDI and Bar Code Labeling needs.

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