AIM Computer Solutions Exhibiting at 2022 Lean Network Conference

AIM Computer Solutions Exhibiting at 2022 Lean Network Conference

 In Blog, News

We are excited to be face-to-face for the Lean Network Conference next week May 3-4, 2022 in Chattanooga, Tennessee at the Chattanooga Convention Center. AIM Computer Solutions will be exhibiting at the event and be available to answer questions regarding our ERP software solution which includes Honda approved EDI and Bar Code Labels for Honda suppliers.

The Lean Network is a non-profit corporation composed of companies who supply to Honda, working together to advance Lean principles in their own companies. It is a training, benchmarking and networking resource for the entire company. The Lean Network is a supplier network directed by a steering committee where members are expected to share their practices through workshops, meetings and presentations.

The Lean Network Conference is held annually, typically in the Spring. The 2022 event theme is “Preparing for tomorrow is NOW.” This year’s conference kicks off Tuesday, May 3rd at the Chattanooga Convention Center with two Keynote speakers. First is ‘Leading Change – Leadership Is a Hard Skill’ presented by Oliver Bell. Second is ‘The Enemy of Organizational Change’ presented by Daniel Matthews.

On Wednesday, May 4, 2022 members will convene in the Main Hall for Keynote speaker George Simms who will present “Leading Change to Grow Profitable”, followed by a Honda Industry Update, and another general session on “Lessons in Lean: The Human Spectrum,” presented by Robert Martichenko.

Both afternoons attendees can participate in breakout sessions in the following six tracks:

  1. Preparing Manufacturing for Tomorrow (Principles)
  2. Preparing Manufacturing for Tomorrow (Tools)
  3. Utilizing Technology for Tomorrow
  4. Expanding Our Thinking for Tomorrow
  5. Applying People Leadership for Tomorrow
  6. Improving Planning for Tomorrow

We hope to see you there. Let us know if you’ll be attending – let’s schedule time for a meet-up. We can’t wait to see colleagues and friends, after two long years, and get the chance to network at this amazing conference.


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